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Taking Responsibility for Our actions

Personal responsibility concept: taking responsibility for our actions

Just yesterday, I pumped out my second VLOG/podcast for Leading From The Middle Of The Pack.

Here’s the scoop: I’m a bit different. Scripts aren’t my thing. Back in the day, we did one-act plays, and I was the kid directors dreaded. Not because I was bad or a troublemaker, but because I despised sticking to the lines.

What I loved was putting my spin on it, making it mine. (Fun fact: I skipped drama in high school, lol).

So, back to the point. I’m not a script guy; I’m a bullet-point guy. When I geared up for this vlog or podcast, I had my topic in front of me and nothing else. Keep it simple, right?

“Check out Episode 46: ‘Why Leaders Must Own Up to Mistakes!’ It’s all about taking responsibility as a leader. Shameless plug, but worth a listen!”

The Importance of Owning Up

While chatting about the topic, I realized there are three big reasons why owning up to our actions is a must.

First off, it’s for our peace of mind. You might find it hard to believe, but there was a time when I never owned up to my mistakes. Always found a way to dodge the blame.

Let me break it down for you: Making excuses messes with our heads. It tricks our minds into believing we couldn’t have done anything differently for a better result. However, the truth is that there is always room for alteration, which could result in a distinct outcome.

Excuses? They’re like a loop. Continuously making them traps you in a cycle of repeating the same mistakes. Albert Einstein nailed it: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome.” Drop the excuses and break the loop!

The Impact on Others

Here’s the next big reason to own up to our mistakes: it’s all about the impact on those around us. It’s time to take responsibility!

Pause for a second and ponder this: Who would you trust more? Someone owning up, saying, “Oops, I messed up. But here’s my plan to fix it!” OR The person going, “Nothing I could do; it’s out of my hands!”?

Simple, right? Trust goes to the one taking responsibility and showing they’re ready to make things right.

When we own up to our mistakes, it’s not a weakness; it’s a strength. It makes us appear stronger to those around us.

Setting an Example

Now, let’s chat about the vibe it gives to those who look up to us when we take responsibility for our mistakes. Believe it or not, someone looks up to you! You might not spot them at the moment, but trust me, there’s at least one person out there who looks up to you.

Now, take a moment to think: Who do you look up to? Are they flawless, or do they make mistakes? Do they possess an air of superiority or exude a genuine sense of humility?

Here’s the thing: We don’t admire perfect people. There’s only one perfect human, and that’s Jesus!

Moving Forward

So, chew on this final thought: If the folks we look up to aren’t flawless and they goof up, why can’t we make mistakes too? It’s all part of the deal!

It’s time to make moves! The next time you goof up, own it—tell the world, “Yep, I messed up!” But here’s the deal: don’t expect everyone to forgive you right away. It’s as simple as this: “Hey folks, I made a mistake. I’m going to fix it, though.”

A bit more: So, here I am, thinking back (big word alert, lol) on my past. All those mistakes? They pop up, not like cream on milk but more like oil on water. It’s cool to look at, but I’m not eager to touch it. Lol!

A Personal Anecdote

I’ve messed up a bunch, and in the past, I wasn’t big on admitting those mistakes. Today, we’re not diving into a long list of my past slip-ups. Trust me, it’s too long. Lol. Today’s about one mistake, one that I never really owned up to until the other day.

When I attended this marketing convention a few years ago, I was absolutely ecstatic. After landing, I hailed an Uber to my hotel and checked in. The butterflies kicked in as I strolled to my room.

I thrive in crowds and remain unaffected by the excitement that others experience. Credit goes to my mom for that; she’s a champ at keeping emotions in check. (On second thought, I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing—I can never read her except when she’s mad. Lol!)

So, there I am, walking to my room, unpacking, and bam—I see banners plastered all over the hotel for the event. This place was massive, and their brand was everywhere. Super cool, but also a tad intimidating. What did I just dive into???

A bit later, I headed down to get registered. They hand me a name tag—ugh, I hate those!—and a wristband. Then, I’m off exploring the hotel a bit since the conference kicks off tomorrow.

As I wander, I notice that around 90% of individuals are adorned in event SWAG or wearing a name tag. Cool vibe, but man, those butterflies in my stomach? They’re turning into full-on birds now.

I grabbed dinner and called it a night.

Next morning, I’ll be up and heading to the event about an hour early. I have no clue what to expect. Approaching the room, bam—there’s a whole bunch of people. And when I say a bunch, we’re talking thousands—around 4500 folks! Those butterflies have returned, my mouth is dry, and conversing with anyone has become an absolute challenge. Keep in mind that this is a business event, and I’d only hired my first employee less than a month ago—for the second time. Talk about a whirlwind!

The first time I hired someone, it flopped. Not enough work for both of us—telling someone that? Tough. Here’s a business truth: no one spills when you start—you’re in charge of someone else’s family. If the work is unavailable or the bills cannot be paid, you become the messenger.

All those feelings hit me again, staring at this massive crowd. So, I dodged through to the far side, found a quiet corner near a door, and just stood there. No talking, no mingling. I’m just waiting for that door to swing open.

The next four days were a blast, and I did meet some amazing people. But here’s where I goofed—I didn’t play it smart. Post-event, I’d retreat to my room and basically repeat my morning routine for the next three days.

My mistake? I went all introverted, but truth be told, I’m an extreme extrovert. I chat with strangers on the street and in the grocery store.

Right after that conference, I owned up to it. Since then, I’ve decided to be my true self at events—the person who talks to everyone and isn’t afraid of anything.


Now, picture this: What if I’d gone? “I tried talking to people, but no one wanted to chat with me!” Where would I be today? NOWHERE!

Furthermore, I might have mistakenly convinced myself that I am introverted and despise being in groups. That could’ve funded my entire life and business. Owning our mistakes? It’s the growth secret sauce.

So, go on, own your blunders, and then use ’em as fertilizer to fuel your growth!

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