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Set Your Goals High This Year

Set Your Goals High This Year


To find happiness, establish a goal that captivates your thoughts, unleashes your energy, and ignites your aspirations.

— Andrew Carnegie

Around this time each year, it feels like we embark on the tradition of crafting our “New Year’s Resolutions.”

This year, I’d like to inspire you to skip the usual “resolutions.” Instead, let’s aim for audacious goals!

You heard it right—AUDACIOUS goals. I challenge you to set objectives that would make Bill Gates, Tony Robbins, Mark Zuckerberg, and even Donald Trump say, “Wow, I wish I had goals that big!”

Consider this: Instead of resolutions, opt for big, audacious, and even a bit intimidating goals. Here are a couple of compelling reasons why.

To begin, consider how long you typically adhere to your resolutions. Resolutions can be more fragile than goals. A goal is a continuous journey, something we strive for. Even if we don’t reach the exact destination, making progress toward our goal still puts us ahead compared to never starting at all.

Another point to consider is that resolutions often lack the specificity that goals inherently possess. It’s fantastic to resolve to get in better shape, but how consistently do you find yourself at the gym or working out at home? When we set a goal, such as achieving 50 pushups, 100 sit-ups, or jogging for 30 minutes straight, we move beyond a mere resolution. By being specific, we make it easier to track and appreciate our progress.

The third compelling reason to trade in resolutions for goals is the increased accountability that comes with setting a goal. As you return to work, the “water cooler” conversations often revolve around resolutions and their longevity. Switching to goals allows you to hold yourself more accountable and move beyond the typical resolution discussions.

Surprisingly, not being bombarded with stories of how your peers couldn’t sustain their resolutions makes it simpler for you to let yours go too. Subconsciously, you’re permitting yourself to move away from the resolution path just because others did.

When you opt for goals, your mind doesn’t associate them with the idea of not holding onto resolutions, as you’re not dealing with resolutions but with goals. In your mindset, goals carry a different weight than resolutions, making it more challenging for you to quit prematurely or give up.

Here are some helpful tips for establishing exceptional goals that you can genuinely accomplish.

1. Dare to set BIG, AUDACIOUS GOALS. Dreaming big is the pathway to achieving significant success. Consider Steve Jobs—did he envision Apple with just one product, the Mac Plus (an old desktop computer)? Not! His vision aimed to bring creativity to the entire world, showcasing the power of thinking beyond the ordinary.

2. Establish reward levels. A reward level should be a measurable indicator of success. Let’s say your goal is to lose 20 pounds. Assign rewards at milestones like 5, 10, 15, 17.5, and 20 pounds.

Ensure the rewards you choose align with your ultimate goal. For instance, celebrating a 5-pound weight loss with a healthy lunch outing is more fitting than indulging in a cake. Likewise, giving yourself a month-long vacation to gain five new customers might be better suited for major achievements.

Every reward should serve as a fitting “prize” for the accomplishment. For example, hitting 5 pounds could mean treating yourself to a healthy lunch; reaching 10 pounds might warrant a day off from exercise; and achieving the full 20 pounds could be the perfect occasion to finally get that new bike you’ve always wanted but hesitated to buy.

By creating these rewards, you’re not only acknowledging your progress but also motivating yourself to stay on course toward success.

3. Share your goals with the world! One of the most effective ways to stay motivated to achieve your goals is to let others in on them.

Think about it: if your goals are kept secret, how will anyone know about your triumphs?

Sharing your set goals and desired timelines with others serves as a powerful motivator to keep you focused and moving in the right direction.

I start by discussing all my goals with my wife. Without the support of your spouse, partner, or significant other, it can be challenging to even start pursuing your goals. With their involvement, they become your steadfast encouragers, especially during challenging times.

Next, I share my aspirations with my kids. It’s surprisingly uplifting to hear questions like, “Daddy, are we still going on that vacation when you hit 20 clients?” or “How many clients did you say the business needed before we could go to Disney World?”

Then, I loop in my circle of influencers. When your influencers are aware of your goals, success becomes more certain. A supportive circle makes it their mission to help you reach your destination. Your circle plays a significant role in your overall success.

4. Finally, I take my goals to the world via social media. While I’m cautious about sharing specific financial goals, I do open up about many others. Typically, it’s my big, ambitious, and even scary goals that I share with the world because those are the ones where I could use the most support.

Well, folks, that’s a wrap for now. I sincerely hope you take these words to heart and consider stepping away from resolutions in favor of embracing some truly ambitious goals!

Step out into the world and create a positive impact.

Email me with your biggest goals Dan@Eclispe-DOT.com

Explore more on leadership and personal growth. Don’t miss our article on ‘GOALS, HOW TO SET AND ACHIEVE ANY GOAL!‘ Stay tuned for more practical insights and advice at RealDanGreer.com.

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Do You Set Goals?“. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at GodFirstLifeNext.org.

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