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HOS for Property Carrying Vehicles The Details

DOT-Centric Acquisitions

In a past article we gave you the FACTS about HOS.

HOS for Property Carrying Vehicles The Details

In a past article we gave you the FACTS about HOS

Now we get to go a little deeper into the rules so you can better understand them.

Today we are going to focus on property-carrying vehicles. We will write a whole other article

On Duty time

What is considered On Duty time?

Pretty much anything that you get compensated for.

  • When you fuel the vehicle that is on duty when you pretrip and post trip the vehicle those are both on duty.
  • All time at a plant, terminal, facility, or other property of a motor carrier or shipper, or on any public property, waiting to be dispatch
  • All time inspecting, servicing, or conditioning any truck.
  • All driving time, as defined in the term driving time;
  • All other time in or on a commercial motor vehicle other than: (i) Time spent resting in or on a parked vehicle, except as otherwise provided in Section 397.5 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; (ii) Time spent resting in a sleeper berth;
  • All time loading, unloading, supervising, or attending your truck;
  • All time taking care of your truck when it is broken down;
  • All time spent providing a breath, saliva, or urine sample for drug/alcohol testing, including travel to and from the collection site;
  • All time spent doing any other work for a motor carrier.
  • Ready to explore more about this topics? Click here to dive deeper and drive your knowledge to new heights!

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