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Faith it till you make it

Faith It Till You Make It.

Faith it till you make it

Embrace the journey of becoming the person you have always aspired to be. Throughout this process, you will gradually uncover that you already embody that individual. However, in the meantime, dare to pretend and innovate until your true self shines through.

How do you practice maintaining faith until you achieve your goals?

We are familiar with the idea of “Faking it until you make it.” However, that’s a concept I couldn’t fully embrace. Spending money you don’t possess and squandering time that could be better utilized seem counterproductive. Creating a facade of success while spiraling deeper into uncertainty doesn’t align with my values.

I’ve always found it challenging to fake things. If you don’t enjoy it, why bother doing it?

You’ve probably heard the saying that if you’re not loving what you’re doing, you must be doing something wrong.

So, how is “faking it until you make it” any different from “faithing it until you make it”?

When you have faith, you’re entrusting God with the belief that He will provide what you need to make it happen. You’re not burdening yourself with all the pressure to achieve it; instead, you’re letting God shoulder that weight.

However, it doesn’t mean sitting back and saying, “If it’s God’s will, it will just happen.” As my grandma used to say, “All things come to those who wait, as long as they work hard while waiting.

In my youth, I didn’t grasp the significance of the saying. It wasn’t until I observed others striving for success in the world that it struck me: if you don’t put in the effort, God won’t be able to bless you.

Winning the race or hitting a home run doesn’t happen by sitting on the sidelines or staying in the dugout. You must actively engage in the game to have a shot at victory, or even defeat.

Unfortunately, many times we refrain from taking the leap because of fear.

When you “Fake It Until You Make It,” you embrace the mindset that whether you win or lose, the crucial point is that you’re actively in the game and making an effort.

Here’s my encouragement for you today, perhaps right now: Reflect on your current position in life. Is this where you anticipated being? Do you possess what you envisioned having? If your response is, “No, I don’t have as much,” or “I expected to be much further along,” consider the next steps.

Pause for a moment and pinpoint where you lacked faith that things would unfold. Examine the instances when you threw in the towel prematurely instead of persisting.

Consider Thomas Edison’s journey—over 9,000 attempts before successfully inventing the light bulb. Imagine if he had quit after the first, hundredth, thousandth, or even the nine-thousandth attempt. What if he had simply surrendered, thrown his arms up, and exclaimed, “I give up”?”

Initially, Edison likely faced uncertainty about where to begin. There might have been detours that didn’t lead anywhere. Moments of doubt may have crept in, making him think, “I can’t do this.”

Yet, he never wavered in his faith toward his project and mission. He remained determined to figure it out, persisting through challenges.

Now, as we reflect on past hurdles, let’s shift our gaze forward. What significant, daunting projects are you currently tackling? If they evoke a sense of enormity, overwhelmingness, complexity, and intimidation, just like mine, let’s embark on the journey of “Faithing it Until We Make It,” together.

Before embarking on the project, let’s send up a quick prayer to ensure we have the right support team by our side.

Next, let’s embrace the faith that we are the right person for the job. We were chosen because we CAN accomplish it.

Stay resilient when things don’t work out initially. If the first video falls flat, get back in front of the camera and reshoot. Never give up!

After achieving success, take a moment to express gratitude where it’s due. Thank our support system, those who picked up the slack when we stumbled, those who contributed ideas, and, last but not least, thank the Almighty for instilling the faith that led to the project’s successful completion.

Let’s step out there and Faith it until we make it!

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Patience Comes With Many Hard Times!”. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at 

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