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The 7 WHYs

The 7 Whys: Exploring the Power of Asking 'Why' for Deeper Understanding.

The 7 WHYs

Discovering Your True Motivation: The Power of Asking ‘Why’

Ever heard of the 7 WHYs? It’s this thing I came across a few years ago. What it does is get to the heart of why you truly want or need something.

It’s super easy. Just ask the question “why” repeatedly until you reach the correct answer.

Recently, I helped someone on our team uncover the real reason behind their personal goal. Now, I won’t spill their story because, well, it’s personal, and I’m not that guy.

But I’ll let you in on one of mine. Brace yourself; this is about to get personal and a bit nerve-wracking for me.

Ready? Here we go…

I was trying to figure out why I want to grow Eclipse DOT and why I want to build DOT Docs. Let’s get into it.

Let’s break it down with some simple Q&A:

Q: Why do you want to grow Eclipse DOT? A: Because I want to build a company.

Q: Why do you want to build a company? A: Because I want to help others and make some money.

Q: Why do you want to help others and make some money? A: Because I want to provide a great life for my family.

Q: Why do you want to provide a great life for your family? A: Because I don’t want my wife and kids to see me as a failure.

Q: Why do you think your wife and kids would see you as a failure? A: Because I couldn’t provide for them, and they would miss out on experiences they were supposed to have.

Q: Why do you think they would miss out on things?

Because, as a kid, I missed out on things because funds were tight.

Q: Why do you think funds were tight?

A: Because my parents didn’t have an abundance mindset.

Q: Why do you think having an abundance mindset is so important?

A: Because it allows you to grow into anything you want and achieve anything you believe is possible.

Q: Why is that so important?

A: Because a life without achievement is not worth living.

Q: Why is an achievement so important?

A: Because achievement is how important it is measured.

Q: Why is importance so vital?

Because how others see you changes the way your kids see you.

That was more than seven WHYs, but we finally hit the core reason why I personally wanted to start a business.

It’s because I want my kids to see my achievements as extraordinary. I don’t want them to see me as ordinary or just like everyone else. I want them to see me as someone who looks out for others, helps them grow, and is truly making a difference in the world.

Personally, I rely on the 7 WHYs every time I’m about to make a big investment or decision.

Take, for example, the fact that before I bought our plane, I did the 7 WHYs several times to uncover the real reason. (In case you’re curious, it was to spend more time with family and give them an experience different from anything I ever had.)

Let me be 100% honest with you here!

Find someone you truly trust to do this exercise with. It has to be someone you can be 100% open with because there’s a good chance you might shed a few tears as you work down to the real why.

You can use this for anything, whether it’s why you want to buy that mountain bike or why you really want or don’t want to have kids.

This right here is a tool you should add to your everyday big decision-making skill set. Do it for every huge decision you’re about to make.

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