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Outwitting the Devil

Book cover of "Outwitting the Devil" by Napoleon Hill.

Outwitting the Devil

The only boundary that truly exists is the one you create within your thoughts. — Napoleon Hill, Outwitting the Devil

Napoleon Hill, known for his book “Think and Grow Rich,” also authored “Outwitting the Devil” in the 1930s.

Within its pages, Hill conducts an intriguing interview with the devil, compelling him to reveal all his concealed secrets. The insights are truly fascinating. If you haven’t delved into this book yet, it’s a must-read!

Seize the opportunity and acquire it today—don’t delay any longer.

This book, recommended to me by Russell Brunson, has so many valuable insights that I felt compelled to craft a article about it.

This book, written in the 1930s, remained unpublished until 2011. The delay was due to Napoleon Hill’s wife, who, upon reading the manuscript, prohibited its publication. Even his daughter maintained this stance after both Napoleon and his wife had passed away. Only after two generations did the Napoleon Hill Foundation gain permission to publish the book.

What’s truly remarkable is that, despite being written in the ’30s, its teachings hold entirely true in the present day.

A highlight for me was Hill’s discussion about how the devil utilizes fear to keep 98% of people in a state of “drifting.” It prompted me to reflect on instances where I might have drifted due to fear.

You might wonder, “What does drifting mean?”

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