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Eclipse DOT March 2024


Hey There Eclipse DOT family!

For this newsletter, I wanted to share my expert insights to keep you well informed and educated on preparing for audits and why being litigation-ready is important for DOT compliance.

These are two very important topics because for one, who doesn’t want to be prepared for an initial audit? They can be scary and if you’re not prepared for one, you could face potential violations and fines. I want to protect you from that.

Another topic is why being litigation-ready is crucial for compliance. We’re taking it up a notch and exploring why being litigation-ready is an absolute must in today’s trucking landscape. After all, wouldn’t you want to be prepared in the event of a possible suit? So, I hope you find these resources helpful.

Let me know if you have any other topics you’d like to see in the future. I’m always an email or phone call away!

Thanks again and want to say that we’re honored to have you on board for this edition of our newsletter!

Catch you on the flip side,

- Dan Greer

Preparing for An Initial Audit

One thing our customers ask us about is how do I prepare for an initial audit? Well, I decided to write a nifty guide to help get you prepared.

Importance of Preparation and Benefits of Preparing

If you forget to dot your i’s and cross your t’s, you could find yourself in hot water. We’re talking fines, penalties, and maybe even having your operating authority yanked faster than you can say “logbook.” Non-compliance with FMCSA regulations can lead to significant financial losses and reputational damage, jeopardizing the viability of your business in the long run. I know you’re in business to make money. So why would you jeopardize your revenue stream? My guess is that you wouldn’t. Lol.

Preparation isn’t just about avoiding trouble; it’s about showing the world that you’re serious about safety and compliance. Plus, it’s a whole lot easier to sleep at night when you know you’re in the clear. Being prepared for an audit demonstrates your diligence and commitment to compliance. And that’s why I’m also here—to help give you some knowledge that you can use out in the field.

Every time I write one of these, I always think, Would this have helped me decades ago when I got my start? I would have loved a resource like this. Well, you can read more on how to prepare for an initial audit to get you started. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did.

Beyond Audits: Why Being Litigation-Ready is Crucial for DOT Compliance

I know that DOT compliance is a top priority for companies like yours. But what if I told you that being litigation-ready is game-changing? Why you ask? Well, in the event of a lawsuit, you’d probably be panicking and trying to figure out what to do next.

I got you covered. I wrote an article that should help you out and some practical insights to help point you in the right direction.

Read our comprehensive guide to ensure you’re equipped with the knowledge needed to stay litigation-ready for compliance.

Some Key Highlights To Consider:

Click here to read the whole thing.

For Businesses with Trucks: Enhance Your Team’s Skills with Rapid CDL Training

Fellow businesses, I wanted to share some more on our newly launched rapid CDL training for businesses!

It’s something that I’ve been working on building in the last few months and now I’m excited to share that It’s finally live! 

Here’s the scoop: With our rapid team CDL training, we accelerate the certification process, getting your team on the road in days, not weeks. Our business-focused approach ensures that your employees not only pass their CDL test but excel in their roles, driving success for your company.

I recognize that every hour your trucks aren’t on the road is a missed opportunity for your business. That’s why I’ve designed our CDL training program to minimize downtime and maximize efficiency. Our experienced instructors, customized training courses, and rapid certification process set us apart from the competition, ensuring that your business stays on the fast track to success.

With my guidance and decades of experience under my belt, I can guarantee rapid results to boost your efficiency today. Team training spots are limited, so be sure to sign up and get on our training calendar.

Interested in getting rapid CDL training for your business? Click here to sign up, spots are going quickly!

About the Company

At Eclipse DOT we are committed to bringing you the most up-to-date news and insights month to month. So, we want to thank you for being valued readers. We are always encouraging our readers to reach out to us to let us know what other tips and tidbits of the DOT world you would like us to cover. 

We are always available so do not hesitate to contact us and reach out with your ideas. 

As always keep on truckin’! See you for next month’s edition of the Eclipse DOT Newsletter.

Eclipse DOT

We are here to help you
Navigate everything DOT

We understand that state & federal regulations can be hard to read & even harder to understand. Plus, who has the time to read every regulation?

Allow our experts in the transportation field to help you navigate through the gray area. We have contacts in every state & within the FMCSA & CVSA



7633 County Road 100 Hesperus, Colorado 81326


Hours of operation

M-F 7:30 - 4:30

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