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The FMCSA is making sure commercial truck drivers follow safety rules and are held accountable

FMCSA ensures commercial truck drivers follow safety rules.

FMCSA’s Crackdown on Substance Abuse in Trucking

The FMCSA is ensuring commercial truck drivers follow safety rules and are held accountable.

What’s Happening?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has been implementing stringent regulations since October 2021 to enhance highway safety by targeting drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol. With November 18, 2024, quickly approaching, drivers need to understand the gravity of the situation to avoid severe repercussions.

The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse

At the heart of this initiative is the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. This sophisticated database allows employers, the FMCSA, state agencies, and law enforcement to monitor the drug and alcohol records of commercial truck drivers. Employers are crucial in this process, as they must regularly check the clearinghouse to ensure their drivers maintain clean records.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers are required to:

  • Report any instances where a driver refuses a drug or alcohol test, tests positive, or is caught consuming alcohol while on duty.
  • Report negative test results.
  • Continuously monitor the clearinghouse for any new violations.

Driver Testing

Drivers will undergo testing at various points, including:

  • Pre-employment
  • Post-accident (especially if there are injuries)
  • Random testing
  • Testing if an employer becomes suspicious

Any substance-related issue recorded in the Clearinghouse can prevent drivers from renewing their licenses.

The Road to Redemption

Drivers who fail tests must adhere to guidelines in 49 CFR 40.67, including:

  • Undergoing observed tests
  • Getting approval from a substance abuse professional
  • Participating in counseling sessions and support groups
  • Undergoing six surprise tests in their first year back behind the wheel

Many drivers opt out due to the challenging process.


Since the Clearinghouse’s inception, there have been over 235,000 documented instances of drug and alcohol violations. Marijuana leads the pack with over 130,000 violations from pre-employment screenings or random tests. Despite changes in state laws, the FMCSA maintains a strict stance on marijuana use.


As November 18, 2024, approaches, the FMCSA remains committed to enhancing highway safety, even if it means a tough journey for truck drivers and their employers. Buckle up for a turbulent road ahead!

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