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Safety, Service, and 3.6 Million Miles: Darryl Tolle Wins CVSA’s 2024 IDEA

Darryl Tolle, winner of the 2024 IDEA Award, with his truck

Safety, Service, and 3.6 Million Miles: Darryl Tolle Wins CVSA’s 2024 IDEA

In the world of trucking, there are drivers, and then there are LEGENDS.  Darryl Tolle just took the trucking world by storm—and by “storm,” I mean the safest, smoothest, most impeccably driven 3.6 million miles you could imagine. Yes, you read that right: 3.6 million safe miles. That’s like driving around the earth… wait for it… 144 times! And he’s done it all with the grace of a ballet dancer on 18 wheels.

So, what’s the buzz? Well, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) just handed Tolle the 2024 International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA)—which is basically the trucker’s equivalent of an Oscar. And let’s be real, if anyone deserves to be in the trucking Hall of Fame, it’s Darryl. This guy has been driving for 41 years, and he hasn’t had so much as a fender-bender. That’s not just impressive; it’s legendary​ (CVSA)​ (CDLLife).

A Career That’s All About Staying in Your Lane—Literally and Figuratively

When Darryl Tolle signed on with Ryder 35 years ago, he made a promise: he’d stick around until he retired. Well, guess what? He’s still there, still driving, and still racking up the miles like they’re going out of style. Of his 3.6 million safe miles, a cool 2.8 million were clocked during his time with Ryder. Talk about dedication! And it’s not just to his job; Tolle’s commitment to safety is second to none. The man treats his rig like a Swiss watch—precision, baby, precision​ (CVSA)​ (CDLLife).

But wait, there’s more! For 22 of those years at Ryder, Tolle was also serving in the Kentucky Army National Guard. That’s right, while most of us were busy binge-watching TV, Darryl was balancing life on the road with clearing roadside bombs in Afghanistan and responding to natural disasters. Just your average day in the life of a trucking superhero​ (CVSA)​ (CDLLife).

Safety Tips from the Master

You don’t get to be this good without learning a few tricks along the way. Darryl’s number one tip? Focus. “When you go to work, be focused on work,” he says. “Don’t let your mind wander to what’s going on at home or what’s for dinner next week. Stay in the moment.” Oh, and get to work early. Rushing? That’s a rookie move, and Darryl doesn’t do rookie​ (CDLLife).

Mentorship and Legacy: Passing the Torch

Darryl didn’t just keep all this wisdom to himself—he shared it. Starting out under the mentorship of John Arnold, an experienced driver who taught him the ropes (and probably how to avoid a few), Darryl has since become a mentor to many. He’s the kind of guy who lifts others up, ensuring that the next generation of drivers is even better than the last​ (CVSA).

Beyond the Road: A Life of Service

Even after retiring from the National Guard in 2012, Darryl couldn’t hang up his cape. He’s still out there, serving his community through the United Veterans Group, working with other vets to support local food banks, schools, and cemeteries. The man’s got a heart as big as his rig​ (CVSA).

Ryder’s MVP

It’s no surprise that Darryl was also named Ryder’s Driver of the Year in 2024. This guy is a living, breathing example of what it means to be dedicated, reliable, and trustworthy. Corey McSweeney, Ryder’s logistics manager, probably said it best: “Darryl Tolle embodies everything Ryder stands for.” And let’s be honest, if you’re getting that kind of praise after 35 years, you’re doing something very right​ (CDLLife).

Life Off the Road

So, what does a guy like Darryl do when he’s not behind the wheel? Well, he’s not exactly slowing down. Whether he’s scuba diving, camping, or spending time with his grandsons, Darryl lives life with the same passion and dedication he brings to the road. And let’s not forget, he’s a pretty awesome papaw too—his grandsons, ages 11 and 14, would definitely agree​ (CVSA)​ (CDLLife).

As Darryl gears up to accept his IDEA award at the CVSA Annual Conference in Big Sky, Montana, one thing’s for sure: the trucking world is a better place with him in it. Here’s to Darryl Tolle, a true road warrior, a mentor, a hero, and above all, a safe driver. Keep on truckin’, Darryl!

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