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FMCSA and NHTSA Push Back Major Trucking Rules to 2025

Semi-truck on a highway with '2025' speed limit and 'Regulations Delayed' text.

Hey there, road warriors! Dan Greer here, your friendly neighborhood trucking guru, with the latest scoop on trucking regulations. So, what’s the buzz? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have decided to delay some major rulemakings until 2025. Let’s break it down and see what’s cooking!

Speed Limiter Proposal: Another Delay – Surprise, Surprise!

Remember that speed limiter rule we’ve all been hearing about? The one that’s been like an unwelcome guest who just won’t leave? Originally scheduled for May this year, it’s now been pushed to May 2025. That’s right, folks, it’s been delayed longer than your last oil change! This rule aims to cap speeds for trucks over 26,000 pounds, using an electronic engine control unit. The exact top speed is still up in the air, but there was talk of setting it at 68 mph​ (FreightWaves)​​ (CDLLife)​.

This proposal has been simmering for years and has stirred quite the pot. Big motor carriers are mostly on board—as long as the speed cap is reasonable. But many small truckers and owner-operators are throwing their hands up, saying speed limits could lead to more road rage and hurt their bottom line. According to the FMCSA, the goal is to cut down on high-speed crashes involving commercial vehicles. Let’s hope it works and doesn’t just slow us all down to a snail’s pace​ (Truckstop)​​ (Acuity)​.

Automatic Emergency Braking: Hit the Brakes on the AEB Rule

Next up, we’ve got the AEB rule, which has also hit a speed bump. Initially proposed in July 2023, it’s now delayed until January 2025. While most big truck organizations give it a thumbs up, concerns linger about those sudden AEB stops at high speeds. Imagine hitting the brakes hard at 60 mph because your truck decided it saw a ghost—yeah, not fun​ (FreightWaves)​​ (Truckstop)​.

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) support the rule but stress that this tech needs to be driver-friendly and thoroughly tested. No one wants false alarms or unintended consequences, right? Picture trying to make a quick stop in bad weather—no thanks! Let’s get this right the first time​ (Acuity)​.

Seizure Standards: A New Approach for Drivers

The FMCSA is working on updating the physical qualification standards for drivers with epilepsy or other conditions that can cause seizures. This new standard aims to make life easier for drivers who’ve had seizures or are on anti-seizure medication by eliminating the need for special exemptions. This proposal, expected in June 2025, aims to streamline the process and get drivers back on the road faster. Now that’s something we can all honk our horns about​ (FreightWaves)​​ (CDLLife)​.

Industry Reactions and Safety Concerns

Several safety groups are not exactly thrilled about these delays. They fired off a letter to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, giving the Department of Transportation a piece of their mind for dragging its feet. They also pointed out that the speed limiter rule isn’t backed by Congress and could be easily scrapped by a future administration. It’s like building a house on sand—one big wave, and poof, it’s gone​ (FreightWaves)​​ (Truckstop)​.

Despite these delays, the FMCSA says the timelines are just estimates and can change due to more research, stakeholder engagement, and public comment reviews. They want to make sure these rules are rock solid and accepted by everyone. So, let’s give them the time they need to get it right​ (CDLLife)​​ (Acuity)​.

So there you have it, folks. The FMCSA and NHTSA are taking their sweet time with these major rulemakings. Stay tuned for more updates, and in the meantime, keep those wheels turning and those engines roaring!

For more detailed information, check out the full articles on FreightWaves, CDLLife, Truckstop, and Acuity. Stay safe and keep on truckin’!

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