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ELDT Bootcamp for Trainers
Eclipse DOT Logo: Your Path to DOT Compliance Excellence

Your Path to DOT Compliance Excellence Will Be July 22nd - 24th 2024

ELDT Bootcamp for Trainers
Join us in person in Pueblo, Colorado for 3 days only! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage face-to-face without the need to travel far and wide. See you there!

Save My Seat to the ELDT Trainer Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $3000

Experience Presidential Treatment at the ELDT Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $10,000

Ticket Levels and Inclusions

We offer three ticket packages to suit different needs and budgets. Each package provides a unique set of benefits to enhance your experience at the Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp.

ELDT Bootcamp for Trainers: Master Your Training Skills in Just 3 Days!

Are you ready to become a top-notch ELDT trainer? Join us for an exclusive 3-day live event in Pueblo, Colorado, where you’ll create your own ELDT program and leave as an expert trainer ready to inspire and lead your team.

Dive deep into the fundamentals of ELDT and beyond.

Introduction: Get to know your expert guide and the wealth of knowledge you’ll gain.

ELDT Fundamentals: Uncover what needs to be in ELDT, including theory basics, essential items, and how to cover and document them.

Hands-On Training: Learn the ropes of on-the-range training and driving essentials with practical tips on coverage and documentation.

Compliance Mastery: Navigate the complexities of drug testing, clearinghouse, and TPR with ease.

Resourceful Solutions: Discover how to find testing units to evaluate your team.

Become an Exceptional Trainer: Master the art of communication and conduct comprehensive vehicle inspections.

Exclusive Networking Event: Connect with fellow trainers and industry experts after the day’s training.

Elevate your teaching techniques with hands-on, practical training.

Teaching Vehicle Inspection: Gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills.

Perfecting Backing Skills: Learn how to structure and execute backing skills training in detail.

Modern vs. Legacy Approaches: Understand the differences and forge strong relationships with local testers.

Insider Knowledge: Discover what testers can share with you to enhance your training.

Dynamic Networking Event: Strengthen your professional network with industry leaders and peers.

Consolidate your learning and prepare for success.

Comprehensive Recap: Review and solidify your knowledge from days 1 and 2, focusing on vehicle inspections.

Advanced Training Techniques: Inspire your trainees to achieve their best with motivational strategies.

Test Prep Excellence: Equip your trainees with the skills and confidence to excel in their tests.

Final Assessment: Validate your expertise and pass the course with flying colors.

Why You Can’t Miss This Event.

Transform Your Career: Gain the skills and knowledge to become a leading ELDT trainer.

Hands-On Learning: Experience immersive, practical training sessions.

Expert Guidance: Learn from industry veterans with a wealth of experience.

Exclusive Networking: Build valuable connections with peers and industry leaders.

Immediate Impact: Return to your team as a certified expert, ready to implement your own ELDT program.

Register Now and Elevate Your Training Expertise!”

Who Should Attend?

This event is perfect for :

Aspiring ELDT Program Builders :

If you want to create and manage your own ELDT program, this bootcamp will give you the tools and knowledge to do it right.

Cost-Conscious Companies :

Save your company time and money by eliminating the need to rely on external trainers and reducing the cost of re-training.

Impatient for Excellence :

If you’re tired of waiting for someone else to train your team, take control and do it yourself with confidence and expertise.

Fed Up with Re-Training :

Stop spending $$$$ on training only to have your team fail the test. Learn how to train them right the first time.

Hands-On Trainers :

Gain the ability to train your own people, ensuring they receive the best possible preparation and support.

ELDT Improvement Seekers :

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing training program, this bootcamp will help you elevate your ELDT training to new heights.
Take charge of your training program and become the expert your team needs. Join us and transform your approach to ELDT training!

From Zero to Expert: Create Your Own ELDT Training Program

Develop a tailored, effective training program to meet your company’s specific needs.

Build Your Own ELDT Program from Scratch
This event is perfect for you if:

Maximize Impact: Compress Your ELDT Program into 1-2 Days

Learn how to deliver comprehensive training in a shorter timeframe without sacrificing quality.
Accelerated Excellence: Compress Your ELDT Training for Maximum Impact
Already have an ELDT program?
This event is perfect for you too because we can teach you how to turn it into an accelerated 1-2 day ELDT program. Deliver comprehensive training in a shorter timeframe without sacrificing quality.

Improve Your Existing ELDT Program

ELDT Improvement Seekers

ELDT Improvement Seekers

Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your current ELDT program with advanced strategies and techniques.

Enhance Training Quality

Enhance Training Quality

Learn innovative training methods and best practices to improve the quality of your sessions and increase trainee success rates.

Optimize Your Program

Optimize Your Program

Discover ways to streamline and strengthen your current training program, making it more robust and effective without increasing costs.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Keep your program up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in ELDT training, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Build Stronger Relationships

Build Stronger Relationships

Develop better relationships with local testers and other key stakeholders to enhance your program’s credibility and effectiveness.

Network and Collaborate

Network and Collaborate

Connect with other experienced trainers and industry experts to share insights, gain new perspectives, and build a supportive professional network.

Regulatory Updates

Regulatory Updates

Stay informed about the latest regulatory changes and understand their impact on your training program, ensuring continued compliance and excellence.

Improve Your Existing ELDT Program

ELDT Improvement Seekers

ELDT Improvement Seekers

Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your current ELDT program with advanced strategies and techniques.

Enhance Training Quality

Enhance Training Quality

Learn innovative training methods and best practices to improve the quality of your sessions and increase trainee success rates.

Optimize Your Program

Optimize Your Program

Discover ways to streamline and strengthen your current training program, making it more robust and effective without increasing costs.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Keep your program up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in ELDT training, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Build Stronger Relationships

Build Stronger Relationships

Develop better relationships with local testers and other key stakeholders to enhance your program’s credibility and effectiveness.

Network and Collaborate

Network and Collaborate

Connect with other experienced trainers and industry experts to share insights, gain new perspectives, and build a supportive professional network.

Regulatory Updates

Regulatory Updates

Stay informed about the latest regulatory changes and understand their impact on your training program, ensuring continued compliance and excellence.

Take charge of your ELDT training program, whether you’re building it from scratch or enhancing an existing one. Join us and revolutionize your approach to ELDT training!

From: Dan Greer

To: Forward-Thinking Companies Ready to Revolutionize and Accelerate Their Training Processes

Hey there!

I’ll keep this brief (I tend to shine in person rather than in lengthy emails, and there’s a video above that covers most of the details… but if you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend it).

So, here’s the scoop: We’re hosting the Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp in Pueblo, Colorado, from July 22nd to 24th, 2024, and let me tell you why you should be there…

At our last event, we saw something remarkable – companies saving time and money while achieving full compliance with Federal ELDT standards, all thanks to our accelerated training approach!

It was incredibly inspiring to witness the transformation in their training processes, keeping drivers on the road and ensuring safety and compliance.

That’s why I’m excited to bring this bootcamp to you in-person, in the heart of Pueblo, Colorado. No more lengthy programs, no more unnecessary time away from the job. PLUS, in addition to saving time and avoiding the hassle of extensive training sessions…

I’m thrilled to announce that we’re offering this bootcamp at an unbeatable price. You can secure your spot for just $3000, and for those looking for an enhanced experience, we have VIP and Presidential packages available.

Imagine being able to train your drivers in-house, achieving 100% compliance in just 3 days. The savings in time and money alone make this bootcamp a no-brainer.

I’ve already mapped out the event framework…

This Time It's All About

"Efficiency and Compliance"

Over the course of three intensive days, I’ll guide you through a transformative journey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing training program, I’ve got you covered.

No matter where you currently stand in your compliance journey, I’ll equip you with the strategies and tactics to elevate your training process to the next level. You’ll receive actionable insights from experts who have walked the walk and achieved tangible results.

Get ready for a power-packed event filled to the brim with invaluable training and compliance wisdom that you can start implementing immediately for tangible results. Sure, it’ll require effort, but think of it as a shortcut—a fraction of the time and energy you’d otherwise spend navigating the complexities of compliance alone.

Now, envision the possibilities. Within mere months, your training process could be transformed, all thanks to implementing that single golden nugget of wisdom gleaned from our bootcamp.

It’s going to be significantly less effort than if you were to tackle it solo, grappling with obstacles, feeling directionless, and overwhelmed…

Now, let your imagination run wild…

What if, in just three days, you discover that one elusive “compliance puzzle piece” that propels your training program from basic to top-notch? Picture the newfound freedom to train your drivers efficiently, ensuring compliance every step of the way.

Envision the possibilities: What if you walk away from that second-day session with a game-changing insight that transforms your training trajectory? And what if, within just a few months…

You could boast a 100% compliant training program, saving time and money, and ensuring your drivers are always road-ready!

The decision rests in your hands.

I’m here to illuminate the way.

Secure your ticket to the Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp now:

Save My Seat to the ELDT Trainer Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $3000

Experience Presidential Treatment at the ELDT Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $10,000

Top 10 Reasons

Get Ready for an Unforgettable Experience!

Reasons 1

Achieve 100% Compliance

Learn how to develop a fully compliant ELDT training program that meets all Federal standards, ensuring your company stays on the right side of the law.

Reasons 2

Save Time and Money

Our accelerated program is designed to be completed in just 3 days, significantly reducing the time and cost compared to traditional 4-week training programs.

Reasons 3

In-House Training

Discover how to effectively train your drivers in-house, keeping them on the road and productive while still meeting all regulatory requirements.

Reasons 4

Expert Guidance

Gain insights from industry experts with years of experience in ELDT compliance and training, ensuring you receive the best possible advice and strategies.

Reasons 5

Hands-On Experience

Participate in interactive sessions that provide practical, real-world applications of ELDT training requirements, making the learning process engaging and effective.

Reasons 6

Networking Opportunities

Connect with other industry professionals, share insights, and build lasting relationships that can benefit your business long after the bootcamp ends.

Reasons 7

Customized Solutions

Learn how to create a tailored ELDT training program that fits your specific needs and operational realities, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.

Reasons 8

Comprehensive Resources

Receive access to a wealth of resources, templates, and tools that you can take back to your company to implement immediately.

Reasons 9

Proven Success

Hear success stories and case studies from companies that have transformed their training processes using our accelerated program, providing you with real-world proof of its effectiveness.

Reasons 10

Boost Your Company’s Reputation

Achieving full compliance and improving your training processes can significantly enhance your company’s reputation in the industry, attracting more business and better drivers.

Save My Seat to the ELDT Trainer Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $3000

Experience Presidential Treatment at the ELDT Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $10,000

Ticket Levels and Inclusions

We offer three ticket packages to suit different needs and budgets. Each package provides a unique set of benefits to enhance your experience at the Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp.

Each ticket level is designed to provide a comprehensive and enriching experience, ensuring you get the most out of the bootcamp. Choose the package that best fits your needs and join us for an unforgettable event!

A Few Of The Companies We Have Trained!

Book Your Hotel

Hotel Details

The hotel is a 2-minute walk from the venue that the Train the Trainer event will be held at.

Following are the Venue details:
Windgate by Wyndam
Eagleridge Event Center
805 Eagleridge Blvd Suite 170
Pueblo, CO 8100988

Your Path to DOT Compliance Excellence Will Be In-Person in Pueblo, Colorado - July 22nd - 24th, 2024

Join us in the beautiful city of Pueblo, Colorado, from July 22-24, for our Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp. This intensive 3-day event is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to create a customized, compliant ELDT training program in-house.

Transform your training process, achieve 100% compliance, and keep your drivers on the road. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and improve your company’s efficiency.

Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp

Create a Customized ELDT Solution that is 100% Compliant with Federal Standards, While Keeping It In-House Training in 3 Short Days!

Tired of losing valuable time and money on lengthy ELDT programs? Our 3-day bootcamp teaches you how to build an accelerated, compliant training program in-house, keeping your drivers on the road where they belong.

Speed, Compliance, Savings – All in One Bootcamp

Past Speakers

Jhon David







Jhon David

General FAQ's

Event General Questions

The Accelerated ELDT Trainer Bootcamp is a 3-day intensive training event designed to help you create a compliant and efficient ELDT training program in-house. You'll learn from industry experts and gain practical insights to streamline your training process.

The bootcamp will take place in Pueblo, Colorado, from July 22nd to 24th, 2024.

Anyone who wants to save their company time and money by developing a short, efficient ELDT program that still meets all federal requirements. This bootcamp is perfect for training managers, compliance officers, safety directors, and anyone responsible for ELDT compliance.

Yes, the event caters to individuals at all levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your existing program, you'll find valuable insights and guidance.

This event is tailored for professionals, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts interested in ELDT compliance and training, ranging from beginners to experts. If you're responsible for training and compliance, this bootcamp is for you.

The event will typically run from 8:30 AM to 4-5 PM each day, with breaks scheduled for networking and refreshments. You'll have plenty of opportunities to connect with other attendees and engage with the material.

By attending, you'll gain valuable knowledge, network with like-minded individuals, and discover actionable strategies to elevate your training processes. You'll leave with the skills to implement an efficient, compliant ELDT program in-house.

Networking and Opportunities

Absolutely! We have dedicated networking sessions, breakout discussions, and social events planned to facilitate connections among attendees. Building a strong professional network is a key part of the bootcamp experience.

Absolutely! We have dedicated networking sessions, breakout discussions, and social events planned to facilitate connections among attendees. Building a strong professional network is a key part of the bootcamp experience.

The VIP package includes premium seating, exclusive networking opportunities, and personalized attention. The Presidential package offers all VIP benefits plus top-tier amenities, exclusive access, and unrivaled service throughout the event.

Yes, the bootcamp includes multiple networking opportunities where you can connect with other industry professionals, share insights, and build lasting relationships.

Tickets & Registration:

The ticket includes access to all sessions, workshops, networking events, and any other activities scheduled during the event. You'll also receive comprehensive resources and templates to take back to your company.

The ticket includes access to all sessions, workshops, networking events, and any other activities scheduled during the event. You'll also receive comprehensive resources and templates to take back to your company.

Yes, we offer various ticket packages to suit different needs and budgets. These include:

  • Standard Ticket: $3000
  • VIP Access: $5000
  • Presidential Package: $10,000


Each package offers different levels of access and amenities.

While there's no strict deadline for registration, we encourage you to register as early as possible to take advantage of early bird discounts and to ensure availability. Our events often sell out, so secure your spot soon!

Please refer to our refund policy on the registration page for detailed information about cancellations and refunds.

Save My Seat to the ELDT Trainer Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $3000

Experience Presidential Treatment at the ELDT Bootcamp ➞

July 22nd - 24th, 2024 for just $10,000

Our Speakers

Jhon David



Get Your Virtual Ticket To Sales Funnel Event

Join Our ELDT Bootcamp for
Trainers Event

Join us for an immersive 3-day ELDT Bootcamp designed specifically for trainers. Elevate your skills, network with industry experts, and gain valuable insights to excel in your training career. Limited seats available – secure your spot now!