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Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing Is Impossible.


Ever get stuck thinking something’s impossible?

It’s your buddy Dan Greer here, and trust me, I’ve been right there with you. When I’m knee-deep in the uncertainty swamp, I hit pause and throw a few important questions my way: “Is this just my thing, or could it flip the script for others too? Am I chasing this because I want it, or is it like a cosmic nudge guiding my steps?” We all wrestle with these dilemmas, but recognizing the bigger picture and our motivations can turn those uphill battles into potential game-changers. Life’s a puzzle, and sometimes the pieces fall into place when we least expect them.

When I feel like something’s meant to be, I stick to it. In my heart, I believe God planned it all.

Like the wise folks say, “If God is on our side, who can be against us?”

Let me share a bit about my life with you. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about starting a podcast. I can hear you saying, “Like I don’t have enough on my plate already!” Managing a successful business, building great software, writing articles, creating courses, making devotionals, flying with my pilot’s license, co-captaining life with Jenna, and taking care of our little ones—it sounds like I should be swamped, right?

But this strong urge to begin a podcast kept bugging me. Honestly, I’ve been dealing with this feeling for about a year and a half. Fear had a tight hold on me.

In the last two years, I’ve made about 15 episodes, only to listen and later press the delete button. Why, you wonder? Because that inner critic said they weren’t good enough.

Like any dedicated Christian, I prayed for help and guidance. My prayer was straightforward: “God, if this is what you want, I need some extra courage to record and share. Can you help me out?”

Want to know what happened next?

On our way home from a trip, I took out my reliable phone and started making notes for the podcast. First, think of possible names; then, figure out what the podcast is all about. After that, create the perfect intro, and there you have it! A bunch of topics came to me like a flowing river.

I had a plan, and it all happened faster than a flight from Florida to Dallas!

Looking back, I see that in the past, I tried to make a podcast all by myself. But after that prayer, with God by my side, it took off like a rocket!

When you feel a calling, God is there for you at every step. Personally, I sometimes struggle by trying to handle things on my own, not because I’m leaving Him out, but because I forget to invite Him along for a moment.

The minute I ask for help, he’s there, ready to give me all the support I could ever imagine. It’s become a daily habit for me to invite God into every part of my life, from the regular stuff to life’s big moments.

I say a simple prayer like this: “Hey God, just checking in. I appreciate your presence and blessings. I’m giving you everything in my life, from my family and relationship with Jenna to our money, business, podcast, and all the projects you give me. It’s all yours. Help me live in your name.”

I’ve figured out this truth: If you ask, the door opens wide. (Matthew 7:7, for those keeping track!)

Here’s the golden tip, friends. Today, I ask you to stop and think about something in your life that you’re ready to trust with the Divine. Is there something calling to your heart? Whether it’s fixing things with someone you’ve had issues with, starting a business, writing a game-changing book, diving into a relationship, taking care of your little ones, or even working on that lovely quilt project you’ve always dreamed of, we all have these parts in our lives where God can be the guiding light.

Now that you’ve identified these areas, say a sincere prayer, asking for God’s help.

And, if you’re curious, I’ve finally mustered up the courage to release my podcast, “Leading From The Middle Of The Pack.” It would mean a lot to me if you’d give it a listen!

Take care and be blessed, my friends!

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